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Azure Application Insights Metrics

Collect application insights metrics from Azure Monitor with Elastic Agent.

1.4.0 (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s)
8.12.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types

Subscription level

The Application Insights Integration allows users to retrieve application insights metrics from specified applications.

Integration level configuration options

Application ID:: ([]string) ID of the application. This is Application ID from the API Access settings blade in the Azure portal.

Api Key:: ([]string) The API key which will be generated, more on the steps here

Configuration options

Metrics:: List of different metrics to collect information

id:: ([]string) IDs of the metrics that's being reported. Usually, the id is descriptive enough to help identify what's measured. Default metrics include a curated selection of requests counters, performance, and service availability. The list of options can be found here

interval:: (string) The time interval to use when retrieving metric values. This is an ISO8601 duration. If interval is omitted, the metric value is aggregated across the entire timespan. If interval is supplied, the result may adjust the interval to a more appropriate size based on the timespan used for the query.

aggregation:: ([]string) The aggregation to use when computing the metric values. To retrieve more than one aggregation at a time, separate them with a comma. If no aggregation is specified, then the default aggregation for the metric is used.

segment:: ([]string) The name of the dimension to segment the metric values by. This dimension must be applicable to the metric you are retrieving. In this case, the metric data will be segmented in the order the dimensions are listed in the parameter.

top:: (int) The number of segments to return. This value is only valid when segment is specified.

order_by:: (string) The aggregation function and direction to sort the segments by. This value is only valid when segment is specified.

filter:: (string) An expression used to filter the results. This value should be a valid OData filter expression where the keys of each clause should be applicable dimensions for the metric you are retrieving.

Example configuration:

 - id: ["requests/count", "requests/failed"]
   segment: "request/name"
   aggregation: ["sum"]

Additional notes about metrics and costs

Costs: Metric queries are charged based on the number of standard API calls. More information on pricing here

An example event for app_insights looks as following:

    "agent": {
        "hostname": "docker-fleet-agent",
        "name": "docker-fleet-agent",
        "id": "d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47",
        "ephemeral_id": "4162d5df-ab00-4c1b-b4f3-7db2e3b599d4",
        "type": "metricbeat",
        "version": "7.15.0"
    "elastic_agent": {
        "id": "d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47",
        "version": "7.15.0",
        "snapshot": true
    "cloud": {
        "provider": "azure"
    "@timestamp": "2021-08-23T14:37:42.268Z",
    "ecs": {
        "version": "1.12.0"
    "service": {
        "type": "azure"
    "data_stream": {
        "namespace": "default",
        "type": "metrics",
        "dataset": "azure.app_insights"
    "host": {
        "hostname": "docker-fleet-agent",
        "os": {
            "kernel": "4.19.128-microsoft-standard",
            "codename": "Core",
            "name": "CentOS Linux",
            "family": "redhat",
            "type": "linux",
            "version": "7 (Core)",
            "platform": "centos"
        "containerized": true,
        "ip": [
        "name": "docker-fleet-agent",
        "id": "1642d255f9a32fc6926cddf21bb0d5d3",
        "mac": [
        "architecture": "x86_64"
    "metricset": {
        "period": 300000,
        "name": "app_insights"
    "event": {
        "duration": 503187300,
        "agent_id_status": "verified",
        "ingested": "2021-08-23T14:37:41Z",
        "module": "azure",
        "dataset": "azure.app_insights"
    "azure": {
        "app_insights": {
            "end_date": "2021-08-23T14:37:42.268Z",
            "start_date": "2021-08-23T14:32:42.268Z"
        "metrics": {
            "requests_count": {
                "sum": 4
        "application_id": "42cb59a9-d5be-400b-a5c4-69b0a0026ac6",
        "dimensions": {
            "request_name": "GET Home/Index",
            "request_url_host": ""


VersionDetailsKibana version(s)


Enhancement View pull request
Enable 'secret' for the sensitive fields.

8.12.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Enable time series data for metrics data streams. This dramatically reduces storage for metrics and is expected to progressively improve query performance. For more details, see

8.12.0 or higher


Bug fix View pull request
Rename the app insights dimensions fingerprint field to prevent it from being nested within azure.dimensions.

8.9.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Migrate App State Overview dashboard visualizations to lens.

8.9.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Add dimension and metric_type mappings to the app_state datastream

8.9.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Update the package format_version to 3.0.0.

8.9.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Add app_insights dimensions and metric_type for metrics field.

8.9.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Fix mappings of tags and dimensions

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Added categories and/or subcategories.

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Bug fix View pull request
Fix misspelled field name in the app_state data stream.

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Updated Readme

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Add documentation for multi-fields


Enhancement View pull request
Remove beta release tag from data streams

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Move azure_application_insights package to GA

7.14.0 or higher
8.0.0 or higher


Enhancement View pull request
Update to ECS 8.0


Enhancement View pull request
Support Kibana 8.0


Enhancement View pull request
Uniform with guidelines


Enhancement View pull request
Update to ECS 1.12.0


Enhancement View pull request
initial release