Rapid7 Threat Command
Collect threat intelligence from Threat Command API with Elastic Agent.
Version |
1.16.0 (View all) |
Compatible Kibana version(s) |
8.12.0 or higher |
Supported Serverless project types |
Security |
Subscription level |
Basic |
Level of support |
Partner |
The Rapid7 Threat Command integration allows users to retrieve IOCs (Indicator of Compromises), organization-specific Threat Command alerts, and CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures). Furthermore, the correlation between data collected from the Rapid7 Threat Command platform (IOCs and CVEs) and the user's environment helps to identify threats. Rapid7 Threat Command platform gives protectors the tools and clarity they need to assess their attack surface, detect suspicious behavior, and respond and remediate quickly with intelligent automation.
Data streams
The Rapid7 Threat Command integration collects three types of data: ioc, alert, and vulnerability.
IOC uses the REST API to retrieve indicators from the Rapid7 Threat Command platform.
Alert uses the REST API to retrieve alerts from the Rapid7 Threat Command platform.
Vulnerability uses the REST API to retrieve CVEs from the Rapid7 Threat Command platform.
This integration has been tested against Rapid7 Threat Command
,Alert API v1
, andVulnerability API v1
. -
Rapid7 Threat Command integration is compatible with Elastic stack
and newer.
You need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data and Kibana for visualizing and managing it. You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, which is recommended or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.
This package requires at least a Platinum level subscription to use drill-downs and alert actions. Please ensure that you have a Trial or Platinum level subscription installed on your cluster before proceeding.
Check the prerequisites for Transforms.
Check the prerequisites for Actions and Connectors.
Filtering IOCs
In order to filter the results based on severity and type, one can make use of IOC Severities and IOC Types parameters:
Allowed values for IOC Severities: High, Medium, Low, PendingEnrichment.
Allowed values for IOC Types: IpAddresses, Urls, Domains, Hashes, Emails.
Filtering Alerts
In order to filter the results based on severity, type, and status, one can make use of Alert Severities, Alert Types, Fetch Closed Alerts parameters:
Allowed values for Alert Severities: High, Medium, Low.
Allowed values for Alert Types: AttackIndication, DataLeakage, Phishing, BrandSecurity, ExploitableData, vip.
Note: Individual policies need to be configured to retrieve both Closed and Open alerts.
Filtering Vulnerabilities
In order to filter the results based on severity, one can make use of the Vulnerability Severities parameter:
- Allowed values for Vulnerability Severities: Critical, High, Medium, Low.
Click on Add row to filter out data using multiple values of the parameter.
Once the integration is configured and data collection is started, add transforms to identify the latest documents and process data of correlation indices.
Add Transforms for Unique IOCs and Detection Rule
- In Kibana, go to Management > Dev Tools.
- Add the below APIs to the console and execute it.
- Create a template for unique IOCs index
POST _index_template/rapid7-tc-unique-ioc-template
- Create a transform for unique IOCs
PUT _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_ioc_transform
{"source":{"index":["logs-*"],"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"match_phrase":{"data_stream.dataset":"ti_rapid7_threat_command.ioc"}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}},"dest":{"index":"rapid7-tc-unique-iocs","pipeline":"0.1.0-ti_rapid7_threat_command-unique-ioc-transform-pipeline"},"frequency":"30m","sync":{"time":{"field":"event.ingested","delay":"60s"}},"latest":{"unique_key":["rapid7.tc.ioc.value"],"sort":"@timestamp"},"description":"This transform creates index to maintain unique values of IOCs."}
- Start a transform for unique IOCs
POST _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_ioc_transform/_start
- Create a template for correlation index of IOC rule transform
POST _index_template/ioc-rule-transform-template
- Create a transform for IOC detection rule
PUT _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_ioc_rule_transform
{"source":{"index":[".internal.alerts-security.alerts-default-*"],"query":{"bool":{"filter":[{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.tags":"Rapid7 Threat Command"}},{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.tags":"IOC"}},{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.category":"Indicator Match Rule"}}]}}},"dest":{"index":"rapid7-tc-ioc-correlations","pipeline":"0.1.0-ti_rapid7_threat_command-ioc-rule-transform-pipeline"},"frequency":"30m","sync":{"time":{"field":"@timestamp","delay":"60s"}},"latest":{"unique_key":["kibana.alert.uuid"],"sort":"@timestamp"},"retention_policy":{"time":{"field":"@timestamp","max_age":"60d"}},"description":"This transform creates index to populate the IOC Correlation and IOC Correlation Details Dashboards."}
- Start a transform for IOC detection Rule
POST _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_ioc_rule_transform/_start
Add Transforms for Unique alerts
- In Kibana, go to Management > Dev Tools.
- Add below API to the console and execute it.
- Create a template for unique alerts index
POST _index_template/rapid7-tc-unique-alert-template
- Create a transform for unique alerts
PUT _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_alert_transform
{"source":{"index":["logs-*"],"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"match_phrase":{"data_stream.dataset":"ti_rapid7_threat_command.alert"}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}},"dest":{"index":"rapid7-tc-unique-alerts"},"frequency":"30m","sync":{"time":{"field":"event.ingested","delay":"60s"}},"latest":{"unique_key":["event.id"],"sort":"@timestamp"},"retention_policy":{"time":{"field":"@timestamp","max_age":"180d"}},"description":"This transform creates index to maintain unique values of Alerts."}
- Start a transform for unique alerts
POST _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_alert_transform/_start
Add Transforms for Unique CVEs and Detection Rule
- In Kibana, go to Management > Dev Tools.
- Add below API to the console and execute it.
- Create a template for unique CVEs index
POST _index_template/rapid7-tc-unique-cve-template
- Create a transform for unique CVEs
PUT _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_cve_transform
{"source":{"index":["logs-*"],"query":{"bool":{"should":[{"match_phrase":{"data_stream.dataset":"ti_rapid7_threat_command.vulnerability"}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}},"dest":{"index":"rapid7-tc-unique-cves"},"frequency":"30m","sync":{"time":{"field":"event.ingested","delay":"60s"}},"latest":{"unique_key":["vulnerability.id"],"sort":"@timestamp"},"retention_policy":{"time":{"field":"@timestamp","max_age":"180d"}},"description":"This transform creates index to maintain unique values of CVEs."}
- Start a transform for unique CVEs
POST _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_unique_cve_transform/_start
- Create a template for correlation index of CVE rule transform
POST _index_template/cve-rule-transform-template
- Create a transform for CVE detection Rule
PUT _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_cve_rule_transform
{"source":{"index":[".internal.alerts-security.alerts-default-*"],"query":{"bool":{"filter":[{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.tags":"Rapid7 Threat Command"}},{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.tags":"CVE"}},{"match_phrase":{"kibana.alert.rule.category":"Indicator Match Rule"}}]}}},"dest":{"index":"rapid7-tc-cve-correlations","pipeline":"0.1.0-ti_rapid7_threat_command-cve-rule-transform-pipeline"},"frequency":"30m","sync":{"time":{"field":"@timestamp","delay":"60s"}},"latest":{"unique_key":["kibana.alert.uuid"],"sort":"@timestamp"},"description":"This transform creates index to populate the Vulnerability Correlation and Vulnerability Correlation Details Dashboards."}
- Start a transform for CVE detection Rule
POST _transform/ti_rapid7_threat_command_cve_rule_transform/_start
For more details, please refer to the Kibana Dev Tools Guide
Enabling correlation detection rule in Elasticsearch
- In Kibana, go to Security > Manage > Rules.
- Click the Load Elastic prebuilt rules and timeline templates button to load Elastic prebuilt detection rules. By default, all loaded prebuilt rules are disabled.
- In the integrations search bar, type Rapid7 Threat Command IOCs Correlation for the IOC correlation rule and Rapid7 Threat Command CVEs Correlation for the CVE correlation rule.
- To enable a detection rule, switch on the rule’s Enabled toggle.
Add Webhook Connectors for adding tags and comments
Please refer to the Setup Guide of Rapid7 Threat Command IOCs Correlation to tag the specific IOC in the Rapid7 Threat Command platform on correlation match.
- In Kibana, go to Security > Manage > Rules.
- In the integrations search bar, type Rapid7 Threat Command IOCs Correlation and click on it.
- In the About section, select Setup Guide and follow the steps.
Retention policy
Retention policy is used to retire data older than the default period. Refer to Retention Policy page for more information.
The following table indicates the retention period for each data stream. Users can update the retention period once transform is configured:
Data stream | Retention Period |
IOC | 60 days |
Alert | 180 days |
Vulnerability | 180 days |
- IOC API fetches IOCs within the past six months. Hence, indicators from the most recent six months can be collected.
- For prebuilt Elastic rules, you can not modify most settings. Create a duplicate rule to change any parameter.
If you don't see any data for IOCs, Alerts, or CVEs, check the Agent logs to see if there are errors.
Common error types:
- Module is not included in the ETP Suite subscription. Verify the system modules of your account using below CURL request.
curl -u "<account_id>:<api_key>" https://api.intsights.com/public/v1/account/system-modules
- Misconfigured settings, like
Account ID
,Access Key
orfilter parameters
. Verify credentials using below CURL request.If it gives Non-200 response then regenerate the API key from the IntSights ETP Suite UI from the 'Subscription' page.curl -u "<account_id>:<api_key>" --head https://api.intsights.com/public/v1/test-credentials
If you don't see any correlation for IOCs or CVEs,
- Check whether transforms are running without any errors. If you face any issues in transforms please refer to Troubleshooting transforms.
- Check whether source indices fields (e.g.
etc.) are mapped according to the ECS schema.
If you don't see matched documents in Matched CVE Details drill down as per the Match Count, please adjust the time range accordingly to analyze all the matched documents.
Logs reference
Retrieves all the related IOCs (Indicator of Compromises) over time.
An example event for ioc
looks as following:
"@timestamp": "2022-05-05T10:39:07.851Z",
"agent": {
"ephemeral_id": "26a79bb1-c4ec-498b-b31e-e125ba1f3bc3",
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"name": "docker-fleet-agent",
"type": "filebeat",
"version": "8.11.0"
"data_stream": {
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.ioc",
"namespace": "ep",
"type": "logs"
"ecs": {
"version": "8.11.0"
"elastic_agent": {
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"snapshot": true,
"version": "8.11.0"
"event": {
"agent_id_status": "verified",
"category": [
"created": "2023-09-26T13:26:21.497Z",
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.ioc",
"ingested": "2023-09-26T13:26:22Z",
"kind": "enrichment",
"module": "ti_rapid7_threat_command",
"original": "{\"firstSeen\":\"2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z\",\"lastSeen\":\"2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z\",\"lastUpdateDate\":\"2022-05-05T10:39:07.851Z\",\"relatedCampaigns\":[],\"relatedMalware\":[\"remcos\"],\"relatedThreatActors\":[],\"reportedFeeds\":[{\"confidenceLevel\":2,\"id\":\"5b68306df84f7c8696047fdd\",\"name\":\"Test Feed\"}],\"score\":13.26086956521739,\"severity\":\"Low\",\"status\":\"Active\",\"tags\":[\"Test\"],\"type\":\"IpAddresses\",\"value\":\"\",\"whitelisted\":false}",
"risk_score": 13.26087,
"type": [
"input": {
"type": "httpjson"
"rapid7": {
"tc": {
"ioc": {
"first_seen": "2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z",
"last_seen": "2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2022-05-05T10:39:07.851Z",
"related": {
"malware": [
"reported_feeds": [
"confidence": 2,
"id": "5b68306df84f7c8696047fdd",
"name": "Test Feed"
"score": 13.26086956521739,
"severity": "Low",
"status": "Active",
"tags": [
"type": "IpAddresses",
"value": "",
"whitelisted": "false"
"related": {
"ip": [
"tags": [
"threat": {
"indicator": {
"as": {
"number": 29518,
"organization": {
"name": "Bredband2 AB"
"confidence": "Low",
"first_seen": "2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z",
"geo": {
"city_name": "Linköping",
"continent_name": "Europe",
"country_iso_code": "SE",
"country_name": "Sweden",
"location": {
"lat": 58.4167,
"lon": 15.6167
"region_iso_code": "SE-E",
"region_name": "Östergötland County"
"ip": "",
"last_seen": "2022-05-04T20:11:04.000Z",
"modified_at": "2022-05-05T10:39:07.851Z",
"provider": [
"Test Feed"
"type": "ipv4-addr"
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp | Event timestamp. | date |
cloud.account.id | The cloud account or organization ID used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account ID, Google Cloud ORG ID, or other unique identifier. | keyword |
cloud.availability_zone | Availability zone in which this host is running. | keyword |
cloud.image.id | Image ID for the cloud instance. | keyword |
cloud.instance.id | Instance ID of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.instance.name | Instance name of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.machine.type | Machine type of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.project.id | Name of the project in Google Cloud. | keyword |
cloud.provider | Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. | keyword |
cloud.region | Region in which this host is running. | keyword |
container.id | Unique container ID. | keyword |
container.image.name | Name of the image the container was built on. | keyword |
container.labels | Image labels. | object |
container.name | Container name. | keyword |
data_stream.dataset | Data stream dataset. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace | Data stream namespace. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.type | Data stream type. | constant_keyword |
ecs.version | ECS version this event conforms to. ecs.version is a required field and must exist in all events. When querying across multiple indices -- which may conform to slightly different ECS versions -- this field lets integrations adjust to the schema version of the events. | keyword |
error.message | Error message. | match_only_text |
event.category | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the second level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.category represents the "big buckets" of ECS categories. For example, filtering on event.category:process yields all events relating to process activity. This field is closely related to event.type , which is used as a subcategory. This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple categories. | keyword |
event.created | event.created contains the date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. This field is distinct from @timestamp in that @timestamp typically contain the time extracted from the original event. In most situations, these two timestamps will be slightly different. The difference can be used to calculate the delay between your source generating an event, and the time when your agent first processed it. This can be used to monitor your agent's or pipeline's ability to keep up with your event source. In case the two timestamps are identical, @timestamp should be used. | date |
event.dataset | Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It's recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. | keyword |
event.kind | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the highest level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.kind gives high-level information about what type of information the event contains, without being specific to the contents of the event. For example, values of this field distinguish alert events from metric events. The value of this field can be used to inform how these kinds of events should be handled. They may warrant different retention, different access control, it may also help understand whether the data is coming in at a regular interval or not. | keyword |
event.module | Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), event.module should contain the name of this module. | keyword |
event.original | Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity or where the full log message (before splitting it up in multiple parts) may be required, e.g. for reindex. This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from _source . If users wish to override this and index this field, please see Field data types in the Elasticsearch Reference . | keyword |
event.risk_score | Risk score or priority of the event (e.g. security solutions). Use your system's original value here. | float |
event.type | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the third level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.type represents a categorization "sub-bucket" that, when used along with the event.category field values, enables filtering events down to a level appropriate for single visualization. This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple event types. | keyword |
host.architecture | Operating system architecture. | keyword |
host.containerized | If the host is a container. | boolean |
host.domain | Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host's Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host's LDAP provider. | keyword |
host.hostname | Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the hostname command returns on the host machine. | keyword |
host.id | Unique host ID. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of beat.name . | keyword |
host.ip | Host IP addresses. | ip |
host.mac | Host mac addresses. | keyword |
host.name | Name of the host. It can contain what hostname returns on Unix systems, the fully qualified domain name, or a name specified by the user. The sender decides which value to use. | keyword |
host.os.build | OS build information. | keyword |
host.os.codename | OS codename, if any. | keyword |
host.os.family | OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). | keyword |
host.os.kernel | Operating system kernel version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.os.name | Operating system name, without the version. | keyword |
host.os.name.text | Multi-field of host.os.name . | text |
host.os.platform | Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). | keyword |
host.os.version | Operating system version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.type | Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like t2.medium . If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment. | keyword |
input.type | Input type | keyword |
log.offset | Log offset | long |
rapid7.tc.ioc.first_seen | IOC first seen date in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
rapid7.tc.ioc.geolocation | Geographical location of an IP address. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.last_seen | IOC last seen date in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
rapid7.tc.ioc.last_update_date | IOC last update date in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
rapid7.tc.ioc.provider | List of the indicator providers. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.related.campaigns | List of IOC related campaigns. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.related.malware | List of IOC related malware families. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.related.threat_actors | List of IOC related threat actors. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.reported_feeds.confidence | Confidence level of the reported feed. | double |
rapid7.tc.ioc.reported_feeds.id | ID of the reported feed. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.reported_feeds.name | Name of the reported feed. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.score | IOC score between 0 - 100. | double |
rapid7.tc.ioc.severity | IOC severity. Allowed values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'PendingEnrichment'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.status | State of the IOC. Allowed values: 'Active', 'Retired'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.tags | List of IOC tags. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.type | IOC type. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.value | IOC value. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.ioc.whitelisted | An indicator which states if the IOC was checked and found as whitelisted or not. | keyword |
related.hash | All the hashes seen on your event. Populating this field, then using it to search for hashes can help in situations where you're unsure what the hash algorithm is (and therefore which key name to search). | keyword |
related.ip | All of the IPs seen on your event. | ip |
tags | List of keywords used to tag each event. | keyword |
threat.indicator.as.number | Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. The autonomous system number (ASN) uniquely identifies each network on the Internet. | long |
threat.indicator.as.organization.name | Organization name. | keyword |
threat.indicator.as.organization.name.text | Multi-field of threat.indicator.as.organization.name . | match_only_text |
threat.indicator.confidence | Identifies the vendor-neutral confidence rating using the None/Low/Medium/High scale defined in Appendix A of the STIX 2.1 framework. Vendor-specific confidence scales may be added as custom fields. | keyword |
threat.indicator.description | Describes the type of action conducted by the threat. | keyword |
threat.indicator.email.address | Identifies a threat indicator as an email address (irrespective of direction). | keyword |
threat.indicator.file.hash.md5 | MD5 hash. | keyword |
threat.indicator.file.hash.sha1 | SHA1 hash. | keyword |
threat.indicator.file.hash.sha256 | SHA256 hash. | keyword |
threat.indicator.file.hash.sha384 | SHA384 hash. | keyword |
threat.indicator.file.hash.sha512 | SHA512 hash. | keyword |
threat.indicator.first_seen | The date and time when intelligence source first reported sighting this indicator. | date |
threat.indicator.geo.city_name | City name. | keyword |
threat.indicator.geo.continent_name | Name of the continent. | keyword |
threat.indicator.geo.country_iso_code | Country ISO code. | keyword |
threat.indicator.geo.country_name | Country name. | keyword |
threat.indicator.geo.location | Longitude and latitude. | geo_point |
threat.indicator.geo.region_iso_code | Region ISO code. | keyword |
threat.indicator.geo.region_name | Region name. | keyword |
threat.indicator.ip | Identifies a threat indicator as an IP address (irrespective of direction). | ip |
threat.indicator.last_seen | The date and time when intelligence source last reported sighting this indicator. | date |
threat.indicator.modified_at | The date and time when intelligence source last modified information for this indicator. | date |
threat.indicator.provider | The name of the indicator's provider. | keyword |
threat.indicator.type | Type of indicator as represented by Cyber Observable in STIX 2.0. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.domain | Domain of the url, such as "www.elastic.co". In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain name. In this case, the IP address would go to the domain field. If the URL contains a literal IPv6 address enclosed by [ and ] (IETF RFC 2732), the [ and ] characters should also be captured in the domain field. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.extension | The field contains the file extension from the original request url, excluding the leading dot. The file extension is only set if it exists, as not every url has a file extension. The leading period must not be included. For example, the value must be "png", not ".png". Note that when the file name has multiple extensions (example.tar.gz), only the last one should be captured ("gz", not "tar.gz"). | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.fragment | Portion of the url after the # , such as "top". The # is not part of the fragment. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.full | If full URLs are important to your use case, they should be stored in url.full , whether this field is reconstructed or present in the event source. | wildcard |
threat.indicator.url.full.text | Multi-field of threat.indicator.url.full . | match_only_text |
threat.indicator.url.original | Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. Note that in network monitoring, the observed URL may be a full URL, whereas in access logs, the URL is often just represented as a path. This field is meant to represent the URL as it was observed, complete or not. | wildcard |
threat.indicator.url.original.text | Multi-field of threat.indicator.url.original . | match_only_text |
threat.indicator.url.password | Password of the request. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.path | Path of the request, such as "/search". | wildcard |
threat.indicator.url.port | Port of the request, such as 443. | long |
threat.indicator.url.query | The query field describes the query string of the request, such as "q=elasticsearch". The ? is excluded from the query string. If a URL contains no ? , there is no query field. If there is a ? but no query, the query field exists with an empty string. The exists query can be used to differentiate between the two cases. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.registered_domain | The highest registered url domain, stripped of the subdomain. For example, the registered domain for "foo.example.com" is "example.com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last two labels will not work well for TLDs such as "co.uk". | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.scheme | Scheme of the request, such as "https". Note: The : is not part of the scheme. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.subdomain | The subdomain portion of a fully qualified domain name includes all of the names except the host name under the registered_domain. In a partially qualified domain, or if the the qualification level of the full name cannot be determined, subdomain contains all of the names below the registered domain. For example the subdomain portion of "www.east.mydomain.co.uk" is "east". If the domain has multiple levels of subdomain, such as "sub2.sub1.example.com", the subdomain field should contain "sub2.sub1", with no trailing period. | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.top_level_domain | The effective top level domain (eTLD), also known as the domain suffix, is the last part of the domain name. For example, the top level domain for example.com is "com". This value can be determined precisely with a list like the public suffix list (http://publicsuffix.org). Trying to approximate this by simply taking the last label will not work well for effective TLDs such as "co.uk". | keyword |
threat.indicator.url.username | Username of the request. | keyword |
Retrieves organization-specific Threat Command alerts over time.
An example event for alert
looks as following:
"@timestamp": "2022-11-02T10:03:56.139Z",
"agent": {
"ephemeral_id": "743b16ad-875e-4038-9516-8f13a9aa47df",
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"name": "docker-fleet-agent",
"type": "filebeat",
"version": "8.11.0"
"data_stream": {
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.alert",
"namespace": "ep",
"type": "logs"
"ecs": {
"version": "8.11.0"
"elastic_agent": {
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"snapshot": true,
"version": "8.11.0"
"event": {
"agent_id_status": "verified",
"created": "2023-09-26T13:25:23.714Z",
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.alert",
"id": "123456789abcdefgh8866123",
"ingested": "2023-09-26T13:25:26Z",
"kind": "alert",
"module": "ti_rapid7_threat_command",
"original": "{\"Assets\":[{\"Type\":\"Domains\",\"Value\":\"example.com\"}],\"Assignees\":[],\"Closed\":{\"IsClosed\":true},\"Details\":{\"Description\":\"A suspicious domain 'example.com' was found to have characteristics indicating it may be used to carry out phishing attacks. | Recommendations: It is recommended to block the domain in your URL filtering and mail systems. This can prevent phishing emails being received by your employees and access to websites attempting to steal sensitive information. Click “Remediate” in order to initiate the takedown process for this domain.\",\"Images\":[\"1al5s6789z6e2b0m9s8a8q60\"],\"Severity\":\"Low\",\"Source\":{\"NetworkType\":\"ClearWeb\",\"Type\":\"WHOIS servers\",\"URL\":\"http://example.com\"},\"SubType\":\"RegisteredSuspiciousDomain\",\"Tags\":[{\"CreatedBy\":\"ProfilingRule\",\"Name\":\"Phishing Domain - Default Detection Rule\",\"_id\":\"1al3p6789zxcvbnmas8a8q60\"}],\"Title\":\"Suspected Phishing Domain - 'example.com'\",\"Type\":\"Phishing\"},\"FoundDate\":\"2022-11-02T10:03:56.139Z\",\"IsFlagged\":false,\"RelatedIocs\":[\"example.com\"],\"RelatedThreatIDs\":[\"6a4e7t9a111bd0003bcc2a57\"],\"TakedownStatus\":\"NotSent\",\"UpdateDate\":\"2022-11-02T10:03:56.139Z\",\"_id\":\"123456789abcdefgh8866123\"}",
"reference": "https://dashboard.ti.insight.rapid7.com/#/threat-command/alerts/?search=123456789abcdefgh8866123"
"input": {
"type": "httpjson"
"rapid7": {
"tc": {
"alert": {
"assets": [
"type": "Domains",
"value": "example.com"
"details": {
"description": "A suspicious domain 'example.com' was found to have characteristics indicating it may be used to carry out phishing attacks. | Recommendations: It is recommended to block the domain in your URL filtering and mail systems. This can prevent phishing emails being received by your employees and access to websites attempting to steal sensitive information. Click “Remediate” in order to initiate the takedown process for this domain.",
"images": [
"severity": "Low",
"source": {
"network_type": "ClearWeb",
"type": "WHOIS servers",
"url": "http://example.com"
"subtype": "RegisteredSuspiciousDomain",
"tags": [
"created_by": "ProfilingRule",
"id": "1al3p6789zxcvbnmas8a8q60",
"name": "Phishing Domain - Default Detection Rule"
"title": "Suspected Phishing Domain - 'example.com'",
"type": "Phishing"
"found_date": "2022-11-02T10:03:56.139Z",
"id": "123456789abcdefgh8866123",
"is_closed": true,
"is_flagged": false,
"related_iocs": [
"related_threat_ids": [
"takedown_status": "NotSent",
"update_date": "2022-11-02T10:03:56.139Z"
"tags": [
"Phishing Domain - Default Detection Rule"
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp | Event timestamp. | date |
cloud.account.id | The cloud account or organization ID used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account ID, Google Cloud ORG ID, or other unique identifier. | keyword |
cloud.availability_zone | Availability zone in which this host is running. | keyword |
cloud.image.id | Image ID for the cloud instance. | keyword |
cloud.instance.id | Instance ID of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.instance.name | Instance name of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.machine.type | Machine type of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.project.id | Name of the project in Google Cloud. | keyword |
cloud.provider | Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. | keyword |
cloud.region | Region in which this host is running. | keyword |
container.id | Unique container ID. | keyword |
container.image.name | Name of the image the container was built on. | keyword |
container.labels | Image labels. | object |
container.name | Container name. | keyword |
data_stream.dataset | Data stream dataset. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace | Data stream namespace. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.type | Data stream type. | constant_keyword |
ecs.version | ECS version this event conforms to. ecs.version is a required field and must exist in all events. When querying across multiple indices -- which may conform to slightly different ECS versions -- this field lets integrations adjust to the schema version of the events. | keyword |
error.message | Error message. | match_only_text |
event.created | event.created contains the date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. This field is distinct from @timestamp in that @timestamp typically contain the time extracted from the original event. In most situations, these two timestamps will be slightly different. The difference can be used to calculate the delay between your source generating an event, and the time when your agent first processed it. This can be used to monitor your agent's or pipeline's ability to keep up with your event source. In case the two timestamps are identical, @timestamp should be used. | date |
event.dataset | Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It's recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. | keyword |
event.id | Unique ID to describe the event. | keyword |
event.kind | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the highest level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.kind gives high-level information about what type of information the event contains, without being specific to the contents of the event. For example, values of this field distinguish alert events from metric events. The value of this field can be used to inform how these kinds of events should be handled. They may warrant different retention, different access control, it may also help understand whether the data is coming in at a regular interval or not. | keyword |
event.module | Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), event.module should contain the name of this module. | keyword |
event.original | Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity or where the full log message (before splitting it up in multiple parts) may be required, e.g. for reindex. This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from _source . If users wish to override this and index this field, please see Field data types in the Elasticsearch Reference . | keyword |
event.reference | Reference URL linking to additional information about this event. This URL links to a static definition of this event. Alert events, indicated by event.kind:alert , are a common use case for this field. | keyword |
host.architecture | Operating system architecture. | keyword |
host.containerized | If the host is a container. | boolean |
host.domain | Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host's Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host's LDAP provider. | keyword |
host.hostname | Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the hostname command returns on the host machine. | keyword |
host.id | Unique host ID. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of beat.name . | keyword |
host.ip | Host IP addresses. | ip |
host.mac | Host mac addresses. | keyword |
host.name | Name of the host. It can contain what hostname returns on Unix systems, the fully qualified domain name, or a name specified by the user. The sender decides which value to use. | keyword |
host.os.build | OS build information. | keyword |
host.os.codename | OS codename, if any. | keyword |
host.os.family | OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). | keyword |
host.os.kernel | Operating system kernel version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.os.name | Operating system name, without the version. | keyword |
host.os.name.text | Multi-field of host.os.name . | text |
host.os.platform | Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). | keyword |
host.os.version | Operating system version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.type | Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like t2.medium . If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment. | keyword |
input.type | Input type | keyword |
log.offset | Log offset | long |
rapid7.tc.alert.assets.type | Type of an asset. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.assets.value | Value of an asset. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.assignees | List of assignees. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.description | Description of an alert. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.images | List of alert images. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.severity | Alert severity. Allowed values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.date | Source date of an alert in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.email | Source email. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.leak_name | Name of the leak DBs in data leakage alerts. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.network_type | Source network type. Allowed values: 'ClearWeb', 'DarkWeb'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.type | Alert's source type. Allowed values: 'ApplicationStores', 'BlackMarkets', 'HackingForums', 'SocialMedia', 'PasteSites', 'Others'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.source.url | Source url. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.subtype | Subtype of an alert. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.tags.created_by | Name of the person who created the tag. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.tags.id | Unique ID of the tag. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.tags.name | Value of tag. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.title | Title of an alert. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.details.type | Type of an alert. Allowed values: 'AttackIndication', 'DataLeakage', 'Phishing', 'BrandSecurity', 'ExploitableData', 'vip'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.found_date | Found date of an alert in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
rapid7.tc.alert.id | Unique ID of an alert. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.is_closed | If true, the alert is closed. | boolean |
rapid7.tc.alert.is_flagged | If true, the alert is flagged. | boolean |
rapid7.tc.alert.related_iocs | List of related IOCs. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.related_threat_ids | List of related threat IDs. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.takedown_status | Alert remediation status. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.alert.update_date | Last update date of an alert in Unix Millisecond Timestamp. | date |
tags | List of keywords used to tag each event. | keyword |
Retrieves CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) over time.
An example event for vulnerability
looks as following:
"@timestamp": "2020-08-24T21:46:48.619Z",
"agent": {
"ephemeral_id": "79ef7310-154a-4f30-a450-263900ebad89",
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"name": "docker-fleet-agent",
"type": "filebeat",
"version": "8.11.0"
"data_stream": {
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.vulnerability",
"namespace": "ep",
"type": "logs"
"ecs": {
"version": "8.11.0"
"elastic_agent": {
"id": "dc81497a-8431-4ec0-aeca-be9bfd9982ba",
"snapshot": true,
"version": "8.11.0"
"event": {
"agent_id_status": "verified",
"category": [
"created": "2023-09-26T13:27:12.970Z",
"dataset": "ti_rapid7_threat_command.vulnerability",
"ingested": "2023-09-26T13:27:15Z",
"kind": "event",
"module": "ti_rapid7_threat_command",
"original": "{\"cpe\":[{\"Range\":{\"VersionEndExcluding\":\"\",\"VersionEndIncluding\":\"4.0.0\",\"VersionStartExcluding\":\"\",\"VersionStartIncluding\":\"1.0.0\"},\"Title\":\"Php\",\"Value\":\"cpe:2.3:a:php:php:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*\",\"VendorProduct\":\"php php\"}],\"cveId\":\"CVE-2020-7064\",\"cvssScore\":5.4,\"exploitAvailability\":false,\"firstMentionDate\":\"N/A\",\"intsightsScore\":16,\"lastMentionDate\":\"2020-04-01T04:15:00.000Z\",\"mentionsAmount\":0,\"mentionsPerSource\":{\"ClearWebCyberBlogs\":0,\"CodeRepositories\":0,\"DarkWeb\":0,\"Exploit\":0,\"HackingForum\":0,\"InstantMessage\":0,\"PasteSite\":0,\"SocialMedia\":0},\"publishedDate\":\"2020-04-01T04:15:00.000Z\",\"relatedCampaigns\":[\"SolarWinds\"],\"relatedMalware\":[\"doppeldridex\",\"dridex\"],\"relatedThreatActors\":[\"doppelspider\"],\"severity\":\"Low\",\"updateDate\":\"2020-08-24T21:46:48.619Z\",\"vulnerabilityOrigin\":[\"Qualys\"]}",
"type": [
"input": {
"type": "httpjson"
"rapid7": {
"tc": {
"vulnerability": {
"cpe": [
"range": {
"version": {
"end": {
"including": "4.0.0"
"start": {
"including": "1.0.0"
"title": "Php",
"value": "cpe:2.3:a:php:php:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
"vendor_product": "php php"
"cvss_score": 5.4,
"exploit_availability": false,
"id": "CVE-2020-7064",
"intsights_score": 16,
"mention": {
"first_date": "N/A",
"last_date": "2020-04-01T04:15:00.000Z"
"mentions": {
"source": {
"clear_web_cyber_blogs": 0,
"code_repositories": 0,
"dark_web": 0,
"exploit": 0,
"hacking_forum": 0,
"instant_message": 0,
"paste_site": 0,
"social_media": 0
"total": 0
"origin": [
"published_date": "2020-04-01T04:15:00.000Z",
"related": {
"campaigns": [
"malware": [
"threat_actors": [
"severity": "Low",
"update_date": "2020-08-24T21:46:48.619Z"
"tags": [
"vulnerability": {
"classification": "CVSS",
"enumeration": "CVE",
"id": "CVE-2020-7064",
"reference": "https://dashboard.ti.insight.rapid7.com/#/risk-analyzer/vulnerabilities?search=CVE-2020-7064",
"scanner": {
"vendor": "Rapid7"
"score": {
"base": 5.4
"severity": "Low"
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp | Event timestamp. | date |
cloud.account.id | The cloud account or organization ID used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account ID, Google Cloud ORG ID, or other unique identifier. | keyword |
cloud.availability_zone | Availability zone in which this host is running. | keyword |
cloud.image.id | Image ID for the cloud instance. | keyword |
cloud.instance.id | Instance ID of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.instance.name | Instance name of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.machine.type | Machine type of the host machine. | keyword |
cloud.project.id | Name of the project in Google Cloud. | keyword |
cloud.provider | Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. | keyword |
cloud.region | Region in which this host is running. | keyword |
container.id | Unique container ID. | keyword |
container.image.name | Name of the image the container was built on. | keyword |
container.labels | Image labels. | object |
container.name | Container name. | keyword |
data_stream.dataset | Data stream dataset. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace | Data stream namespace. | constant_keyword |
data_stream.type | Data stream type. | constant_keyword |
ecs.version | ECS version this event conforms to. ecs.version is a required field and must exist in all events. When querying across multiple indices -- which may conform to slightly different ECS versions -- this field lets integrations adjust to the schema version of the events. | keyword |
error.message | Error message. | match_only_text |
event.category | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the second level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.category represents the "big buckets" of ECS categories. For example, filtering on event.category:process yields all events relating to process activity. This field is closely related to event.type , which is used as a subcategory. This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple categories. | keyword |
event.created | event.created contains the date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. This field is distinct from @timestamp in that @timestamp typically contain the time extracted from the original event. In most situations, these two timestamps will be slightly different. The difference can be used to calculate the delay between your source generating an event, and the time when your agent first processed it. This can be used to monitor your agent's or pipeline's ability to keep up with your event source. In case the two timestamps are identical, @timestamp should be used. | date |
event.dataset | Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It's recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. | keyword |
event.kind | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the highest level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.kind gives high-level information about what type of information the event contains, without being specific to the contents of the event. For example, values of this field distinguish alert events from metric events. The value of this field can be used to inform how these kinds of events should be handled. They may warrant different retention, different access control, it may also help understand whether the data is coming in at a regular interval or not. | keyword |
event.module | Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), event.module should contain the name of this module. | keyword |
event.original | Raw text message of entire event. Used to demonstrate log integrity or where the full log message (before splitting it up in multiple parts) may be required, e.g. for reindex. This field is not indexed and doc_values are disabled. It cannot be searched, but it can be retrieved from _source . If users wish to override this and index this field, please see Field data types in the Elasticsearch Reference . | keyword |
event.type | This is one of four ECS Categorization Fields, and indicates the third level in the ECS category hierarchy. event.type represents a categorization "sub-bucket" that, when used along with the event.category field values, enables filtering events down to a level appropriate for single visualization. This field is an array. This will allow proper categorization of some events that fall in multiple event types. | keyword |
host.architecture | Operating system architecture. | keyword |
host.containerized | If the host is a container. | boolean |
host.domain | Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host's Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host's LDAP provider. | keyword |
host.hostname | Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the hostname command returns on the host machine. | keyword |
host.id | Unique host ID. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of beat.name . | keyword |
host.ip | Host IP addresses. | ip |
host.mac | Host mac addresses. | keyword |
host.name | Name of the host. It can contain what hostname returns on Unix systems, the fully qualified domain name, or a name specified by the user. The sender decides which value to use. | keyword |
host.os.build | OS build information. | keyword |
host.os.codename | OS codename, if any. | keyword |
host.os.family | OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). | keyword |
host.os.kernel | Operating system kernel version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.os.name | Operating system name, without the version. | keyword |
host.os.name.text | Multi-field of host.os.name . | text |
host.os.platform | Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). | keyword |
host.os.version | Operating system version as a raw string. | keyword |
host.type | Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like t2.medium . If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment. | keyword |
input.type | Input type | keyword |
log.offset | Log offset | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.range.version.end.excluding | The CPE version end range. | version |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.range.version.end.including | The CPE version end range. | version |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.range.version.start.excluding | The CPE version start range. | version |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.range.version.start.including | The CPE version start range. | version |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.title | Title of CPE. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.value | Value of CPE. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cpe.vendor_product | Vendor and Product of CPE. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.cvss_score | The severity score from NVD. | double |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.exploit_availability | If true, exploit is available for this CVE. | boolean |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.id | Unique ID of a CVE. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.intsights_score | The severity score from Rapid7 Threat Command. | double |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mention.first_date | CVE's first mention date. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mention.last_date | CVE's last mention date. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.clear_web_cyber_blogs | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by ClearWebCyberBlogs. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.code_repositories | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by CodeRepositories. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.dark_web | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by DarkWeb. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.exploit | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by Exploit. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.hacking_forum | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by HackingForum. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.instant_message | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by InstantMessage. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.paste_site | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by PasteSite. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.source.social_media | The number of times a CVE is mentioned by SocialMedia. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.mentions.total | The number of times a CVE is mentioned across all sources. | long |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.origin | The origin of vulnerability. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.published_date | CVE's publish date in ISO 8601 format. | date |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.related.campaigns | List of related threat campaigns. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.related.malware | List of related malware. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.related.threat_actors | List of related threat actors. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.severity | CVE severity. Allowed values: 'Critical', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. | keyword |
rapid7.tc.vulnerability.update_date | CVE's update date in ISO 8601 format. | date |
tags | List of keywords used to tag each event. | keyword |
vulnerability.classification | The classification of the vulnerability scoring system. For example (https://www.first.org/cvss/) | keyword |
vulnerability.enumeration | The type of identifier used for this vulnerability. For example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/) | keyword |
vulnerability.id | The identification (ID) is the number portion of a vulnerability entry. It includes a unique identification number for the vulnerability. For example (https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#what\_is\_cve\_id)\[Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure CVE ID] | keyword |
vulnerability.reference | A resource that provides additional information, context, and mitigations for the identified vulnerability. | keyword |
vulnerability.scanner.vendor | The name of the vulnerability scanner vendor. | keyword |
vulnerability.score.base | Scores can range from 0.0 to 10.0, with 10.0 being the most severe. Base scores cover an assessment for exploitability metrics (attack vector, complexity, privileges, and user interaction), impact metrics (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), and scope. For example (https://www.first.org/cvss/specification-document) | float |
vulnerability.severity | The severity of the vulnerability can help with metrics and internal prioritization regarding remediation. For example (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss) | keyword |
Version | Details | Kibana version(s) |
1.16.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.12.0 or higher |
1.15.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.12.0 or higher |
1.14.1 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.14.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.13.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.12.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.11.1 | Bug fix View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.11.0 | Enhancement View pull request | — |
1.10.0 | Enhancement View pull request | — |
1.9.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.8.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.7.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.6.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.5.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.4.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.3.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.2.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.7.1 or higher |
1.1.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.4.0 or higher |
1.0.0 | Enhancement View pull request | 8.4.0 or higher |
0.1.0 | Enhancement View pull request | — |